Fixing pin (cup) for Climax silone
Fixing pin (cup) of silon with a diameter of 3 mm for horizontal blinds is used to fix the silon (guide wire) into the hole on the glazing bar of a plastic or wooden window. If these fixing pins for blinds are damaged and you need to replace them, just choose the number of pieces and colour you require. We offer several colour versions of the pins:
- White
- light brown
- dark brown
- grey
The fixing pin (cup) of the Climax silicone is inserted into the hole on the guide rail. If it is a new window and the hole is not already there, it must be drilled into the glazing bar. For this type of fixing pin, we use a 3 mm diameter drill bit. If there is any residual silone in the hole, we will try to remove it. We start by first loosening the guiding silon by folding the top beam of the louvre the side caps (usually they’re just snapped on or just slipped on). At the base part underneath, we loosen the guiding silicone. We will check its quality so that any replacement can be carried out at the same time. Next, the fixing pin is threaded onto the guiding silon (rope), and a knot is made at the end of the pin, which is pulled tight. This is inserted into the prepared hole in the window glazing bar and then fixed with the pin. Finally, tension the guiding bellows on the upper profile of the base section.